Nearest stations
5th Av/59th St (N, Q, R trains) or 57th St (F train) or 5th Av/53rd St (E, M trains)
The Whitby Hotel
18 West 56th Street, New York, NY 10019
212 586 5656
Open in March 2017, The Whitby Hotel’s state-of-the-art screening room has 130 comfortable leather seats, the most advanced Dolby Atmos technology in sound and projection and the latest digital capabilities including 3D. The Theater is perfect for film screenings, corporate presentations and live performances. It is situated next to Anrep and Araminta, two beautifully designed private event spaces on the lower ground floor. The hotel also operates a Weekend Film Club, open to all, playing both classics and new releases.
5th Av/59th St (N, Q, R trains) or 57th St (F train) or 5th Av/53rd St (E, M trains)